Do you supply to private individuals?

Visit to browse the extensive range of products available for private individuals.

At JET PRESS, our primary focus is on serving the business-to-business (B2B) market, catering to the needs of companies and organisations across various industries. We understand, however, that private individuals also seek high-quality parts and components for their personal projects, repairs, or small-scale manufacturing needs.

How Private Individuals Can Purchase Our Products

To ensure that we can adequately support both our B2B customers and private individuals, we have a sister company, Components Direct. Components Direct is specially equipped to handle the unique needs of private customers, offering a wide selection of parts and components suitable for a variety of applications.

Contacting Components Direct

If you are a private individual interested in purchasing parts or components, we invite you to explore the offerings of Components Direct:

  • Website: Visit to browse the extensive range of products available for your needs. The website is designed for easy navigation, allowing you to find the parts you need quickly.
  • Telephone: If you prefer to speak with someone directly or have specific questions, please call Components Direct at 01623 788 400. Their knowledgeable team is ready to assist you with product inquiries, order placement, and any other questions you may have.
  • Email: For enquiries that are not urgent or if you require detailed information, you can email Components Direct at Their customer service team aims to respond promptly, providing the assistance and information you need.

We're Here to Assist

At JET PRESS, we are committed to ensuring that all our customers, including private individuals, receive the best possible service and support. Through Components Direct, we can extend our reach, offering an accessible and convenient way for private individuals to purchase the parts they require. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Components Direct through the channels provided above.