Do you provide CAD Files?

Yes, we have hundreds of downloadable CAD files on our website.

We are dedicated to supporting your projects in any way we can. On our website, you'll find hundreds of CAD files available for download. These files are provided in the STP (STEP) format, which is widely used and compatible with various CAD software, ensuring you can easily integrate them into your designs. To download a file, simply look for the downloadable icon next to the part you're interested in. If you notice that a CAD file is not visibly available for download next to the part of your choice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help and can send the required CAD files directly to you upon request. Our goal is to ensure you have all the resources you need for your projects, so please reach out if you need any assistance or additional files.

As shown below on each product page in the variations table you can can click the file icon to download the variation to suit you.

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